Thursday, 15 January 2015

Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius

Measurements are usually made to compare between two different units and it also enables to reduce confusion .There are tremendous different ways for measurements which we frequently use in our day to day life according to our convenience. Temperature scale is used as a measurement converter Fahrenheit to Celsius.

Both Fahrenheit and Celsius are used for measuring temperature; Celsius is a unit of temperature, which has been named after the Swedish astronomer Andrers Celsius. The term Celsius was adopted by the international conference which was held in the year 1948; this conference was dedicated to weight and measure.

Measurement converter Fahrenheit to Celsius scale was invented and designed to evaluate the boiling point of water, freezing point and to assess atmospheric pressure of weather conditions.  Fahrenheit is a temperature scale, named and devised by German physicist Gabriel Fahrenheit.
On the Gabriel Fahrenheit scale, the freezing point of the water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) and the boiling point of water is 212 °F. This puts the freezing and boiling points of the water exactly 180 degrees apart on the scale. Therefore, a given degree on the Fahrenheit scale would be 1⁄180 of the interval between the boiling point and the freezing point. On the other hand on the Celsius scale, the boiling and the freezing point of water are exact 100 degrees apart. A temperature interval at 1 °F would be equal to an interval of 5⁄9 degree Celsius. The Celsius and the Fahrenheit scales usually intersect at −40° and at this point they represent the same temperature.

The Fahrenheit scale is basically used in American and Latin American countries, where as the Celsius is used in European countries along with all Asian countries. Thermometer can represent both Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature readings

 A rough conversion between degrees Fahrenheit and Degree Celsius is as follows

•    Fahrenheit to Celsius: Subtract 32 and then halve the resulting number.
•    Celsius to Fahrenheit: Double the given number and then add 32.

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Sunday, 4 January 2015

Tips to Solve Simple Math Problems with Complex Conversion Units

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